Whose eye atop the pyramid,
Thirteen layers high,
Gazes into Infinite space
On pedestal dated 1776?
An Eye of Providence
Approving these undertakings,
Of a new sacred order?
Whose one-eyed eagle,
Thirteen stars above
Thirteen arrows gathered
And olive leaves hanging,
Is splayed behind a shield of
Thirteen stripes –
Those colonies of yore
Now gone, absorbed?
Whose note is this,
This Federal Reserve,
A thing not federal
But in private hands, and
A central bank without
Reserves, cobbled
From a cabal of
Regional banksters?
Whose eye indeed
Looks down from
Atop a hierarchy of
Executive arms that
Serve a parallel master –
Annuit Coeptis/
E Pluribus Unum
Each phrase,
13 letters long?
Whose eye atop the pyramid,
Never letting loose
A tear, stares
Eternally as a
Three-sided halo capstone?
Why it’s the combined evil eye
Of three hundred men –
300 doomed Committeemen.
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