The cultural mutant somehow missed out on being or becoming a part of the neo-American dream: the techno-modernist vision, the triumphalist society, a person capable of easily identifying with the vapid, false consciousness of the age. Society revels in its self-referent, solipsistic definition of success: its self-absorbed, materialist consensual reality and a culture trance run amok that lulls ill-informed citizenry into complacency via rampant consumerism and an out-of-control commodity fetishism. The cultural mutant bemoans the decline of the authentic and agitates against the cultural Marxist, self-hating white liberal podunks whose politically correct rhetoric gets thrown in one’s face.
While this society smugly congratulates itself on its legacy of being the champion of liberty and freedom around the world, the cultural mutant recoils in horror at such hypocrisy, seeing instead a USA, Inc. that has exploited peoples, their resources, and the environment – either directly or through client surrogates – wherever it can. It’s no shining “city upon a hill” – far from it!
In short, the cultural mutant does
not buy into this bullshit, counterfeit society.
The Federal Reserve is in the business
of counterfeiting money.
The mainstream media is in the business
of counterfeiting news.
The pharmaceutical industry is in the
business of counterfeiting medicine (Biopracy! They are stealing
molecules from nature then counterfeiting their own patented variations.)
The medical schools are in the business
of counterfeiting medical degrees. (When a doctor graduates from
medical school, he still knows virtually nothing about nutrition.)
Doctors are in the business of counterfeiting
false medical authority.
The mega-sized food corporations are in
the business of counterfeiting food. (Processed cheese food product,
The global consumer product companies
are in the business of manufacturing counterfeit consumer products such
as “baby oil” (which is really a petroleum product).
Social networks like Facebook are in
the business of counterfeiting friends. (Please LIKE this article,
Cookie-cutter home builders are in the
business of constructing counterfeit homes out of plywood, styrofoam
and sheetrock… many these homes will not be standing in just 20 years.
Local city councils are in the business
of counterfeiting power. (Obey or be punished!)
Public schools are in the business of counterfeiting
school diplomas. (Huh? What? Who needs to learn how to write, anyway?)
The Pentagon is in the business of counterfeiting
war. (Don’t have a war to fight? Bomb the World Trade
Center and blame it on
Mainstream historians are in the
business of counterfeiting history. (Everything you were taught about
history in public school is a lie…)
The globalist banksters are in the
business of counterfeiting debt. (You thought it was money, didn’t ya?
But it’s really just debt.)
Mike Adams, Natural News 9/2/11
Still, the cultural mutant has a
sensitive side. The alienation and separation that typifies a dissociated
society sears all the more into the souls of those who must abide and cannot
escape this dystopian utopia.
The extreme sadness about
What goes on in the world While everyone around me
Prances about in the silly
Dalliances of everyday life
Makes me seem like a saint.
But I am not pure
Just aching raw in my heart,
Unable to 'have fun,' enjoy
Get serious
Be ambitious
Just bobbing about -
With one more credential,
Or another skill set
Yet wasting away in
A killing-time zone
Seemingly ill-suited to any
Normative endeavor
(Secular or whatever)
Unable to meditate much
I contemplate the nothingness
Of endless outer space
And it feels like
A waiting-room life -
Of waiting
To live free or die
A cantankerous old coot
Who could never get along
Who loved the world too much
Who was never understood
And couldn't understand
How others
Are so
Comfortable here.
Ah, but this cultural mutant author
exhorts one and all – “don’t take no guff and keep your sense of humor at all
oh human beans! Be Not Content. Do not despair. Arise! Walk tall, immortal
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