Monday, May 6, 2019

Knots, Springs, and Cables

Can you tie a Becket
Bend with a half hitch?
Or just a square knot?
Remove the spring in a
Gizmo (like a pen)
Then put it back together
Again? Let’s see…
How about adjusting a
Cable on a bike or a
Mower? Holy moly
These have been the
Bane of my being here
On planet Earth, the
Source, the cause of
So much grief, and just
A bit o’ hopelessness
Yes, knots, springs, and
Cables will be the
Death o’ me, the things
That drive me drinkward,
Mysterious things
I refuse to ever, ever
Figger out, whether I
Should, or not, I won’t.
And they’re not like
Earthquakes, floods and
Scorpions—far from me
They haunt me often
Taunting, mocking me  
In their superior sense of
Being knots, springs, and
Cables. They belong
To some higher sphere or
Plane, inviting me with a
Certain disdain (that
undercuts me) — 
So be it! I’ll let them be.

But, knots, springs, and
Cables will never, ever 
Get the better of me!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Slogging On

Many times I’ve thought of pre-composing Aunt Janet’s eulogy. And I picture myself standing before the “mourners,” dumbstruck. But I won’t be there. I’ll be gone. I’ll book a flight to anywhere. I won’t be there for the funeral. It won’t matter then. Nothing will matter. The rest of the family be damned. They are undeserving of anything further from me.
When Janet dies I’ll sell her car. I’ll empty the bank account and cash out as beneficiary. I’ll disappear.
No I won’t. I’ll be sad for some time, remembering. I’ll show up at the funeral and say a few choice words. It will all pass in slow motion. Then it’ll be over. I’ll gather up my life, my thoughts, and consider my granddaughter. Her middle name is Janet. It seems I’ll forever have a Janet to take care of.
I’ll drive around in my ’74 MGB sports car, wondering which way to go, what to do. Maybe I’ll take an excursion to Africa, a safari. As ever, I will have too many options and will make seemingly nonsensical choices. Those choices will take me to more useless places, more collected experiences. Yet these choices will be tempered by Faith.
I’ll be somewhere warm, at a cafĂ© overseas, sipping a drink and looking out over an expanse of sea. I’ll be wondering about life, then, as I am now. I’ll rent a room above a cantina and go down from time-to-time to play the piano. I’ll have girls come visit me every now and then. I’ll take long, lumbering walks to nowhere in particular. I won’t have a cell phone. My computer will not be wired up for internet; it will only serve as a machine to produce more writing, more useless drivel that no one will read.
No, that’s not the way it will go. But I won’t eke out a living anymore as I have been. I’ll rid myself of that horrid mortgage. I’ll move on. My house here on Ednor Road will soon be just another memory. But what of my marriage? Will that, too, be yet another memory hole? Perhaps.
What will be the shape of society when Janet bites the dust? Will a civil war be waging? Will Trump be dead? Will globalism descend like the shadows of buzzards’ wings over our once great nation? Will there be too much turmoil to get out?
What will become of this old guy? At almost 65 I’m finally feeling frayed at the edges. My working life is behind me. I work only fitfully now, trying to stay in shape. It’s all just a lot of tail-chasing, really. But I’m as tired of the alternative take as I am the old fake-stream news.
Where can I go where
Alumni magazines
Won’t find me?
Where can I hide
From the zip-boom-click-bang
Evening news?—
The pittledy-poo-da
Newspaper punditocracy?

Life has been one big practical joke. The world is laughing at me, but I don’t care.

No, I don’t care about much, except that I worry for loved ones coming after me. How will they manage? How can they cope with the madness of this world? Do they know that they are Spirit-beings devolved into debauched human form controlled by THEM? Shouldn't I say something? No, we must all find out this frightening truth by ourselves; it will do no good to say anything; experience is the only true teacher. But can’t I, shouldn’t I tell everyone I care about that THEM-that’s-got-is-THEM-that-gets?

Yes, I’ll say something. I’ll let the truth out just enough to linger in the backdrop of their minds, just like Granpap did with his old morality tale, that poem: The Two Roads.

…A shooting star disappeared athwart the churchyard
    Such are the wasted days of my life…

Such is the sad truth of the world today. Success breeds more contempt than failure, though failure is contemptible in its own right. How we struggle to tell it like it is, only ending up falling into the illusions of our own dreams. And fall we will, hoping for the gift of grace, though forever falling away from it in fits and starts.
In the end, life grinds us down. We must delight in the folly of it all. Yes, I must laugh and say to myself, “I did my best”—and be done with it. Oppressively sad or true? Don’t fret; just smile and move on. Keep moving on, tired old soul, keep moving. Slog on.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Five Myths About 5G, Debunked

[Reposted from (with some tweaking)]

Listen to this crock of globalist propaganda...

(Five Myths About 5G, Debunked: pushed out by the FAKE NEWS Wall Street Journal.  

    Corporate benefactors of 5G are getting worried that WE THE PEOPLE are savvy to their plans to weaponize the entire planet in digital tyranny. Expect more of this fake news in the days to come and warn your audience about the dangers of 5G and of corporate propaganda tactics.

     Most shockingly of all, President Trump is on board with this!(?) How can he be? He wants to protect Americans at the southern border but can't see the obvious dangers of 5G?

     A low information zombie has no idea about the harmful effects 5G will have on him/her and all human beings. This video makes 5G seem warm and cozy.
What the video doesn’t tell you is that 5G has not undergone long term testing on humans. The WSJ video doesn’t tell you that the technology has the potential to completely eradicate all life, not just human, on the planet by simply killing off the eggs in female ovaries. It’s a silent kill that people won’t know about until no living being can reproduce.
     The video doesn’t tell you the dangers to bees, birds, butterflies and other flying animals that rely on sensitive internal sensors for flying. Zap. 5G will destroy their fragile etheric bodies, too.  All of God’s creatures will be exposed in 5G kill areas.
internet of things drawing
     The FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA RAG WSJ doesn’t tell you how 5G is needed to operate the Internet of Things which will be able to lock down the planet in total, irreversible, digital tyranny.
     It doesn’t tell you that it is being rolled out in population dense areas as a convenient kill-zone for eliminating large groups of people in concentrated areas.

Do you live in an urban 5G kill zone?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Oh the Stench!

                                           It is only
                                           The stench
                                           Of crap
                                           From arseholes
                                           Other than
                                           One’s own
                                           That offends
                                           The stinker.
                                           Only the armpits
                                           Of others have
                                           Body odor
                                           So bad that
                                           You hold your
                                           Nose but
                                           Care less
                                           About your
                                           It is only
                                           The smell
                                           Of germs
                                           Breeding in
                                           Dark recesses
                                           Of others
                                           Above and below
                                           That assault by
                                           By pungent airs.