Lusting after the very things that oppress us
“Seeing through the world”
Consensual Reality
Culture Trance
Creative loafing and the “Sub-Genius”
The originary custom of primal peoples – nomadic, non-hierarchical tribes of humble
paragons whose continued, hard-scrabble existence is their teaching
Consciousness structures – discover the writings of Jean Gebser, Julian Jaynes – or
forever grovel about in your Platonic cave, Gumby
Shamanism, Hallucinogens, and the Re-Assessing of Reality <= check it out
Democracy in Our Republic – It had its faults in the Beginning but it was a shining
example none-the-less; Now: Where It Go?
The Shift from an Agricultural Society to One Owned and Managed by Industrialist-
Capitalists, Shifting into a Hydra-Headed Despot-Class of Service Provider
Technophiles Who Shipped Customer Service and the Making-of-Things Overseas
Corporatocracy (or Corpocracy)
- look for ways to substantiate, publicize, and make more transparent the deleterious
effects corporate capitalism has on the home front and on global democracy
American Empire: The Imperial Presidency, Corruption and Ignorance at Home –
Militarism Abroad
Food production has become environmentally unfriendly food processing <= for-profit
only; I heard there’s real food at farmer’s markets (heard fake thunder at Safeway?)
How Propaganda Works: Mainstream Corporate Media vs. Bloggers-of-Suspect-Facts,
but who cares just as long as the middle and lower classes keep bickering amongst
themselves in their tiresome, pundit-two-step, dualist, trance-dance
Mega-corporations own the foundations, institutes and think-tanks that churn out the so-called experts. These experts are then regularly trotted out on news shows to inform the citizenry via their corporately-infused, corporately-inspired, corporately-funded expertise.
And Whitehead’s merely well-informed man says to himself “I see through the eyes of my corporate pusher. I am well-informed man.” And all is well…NOT!
Religion’s gods vs. secular atheists’ no-god – Is there another choice?
From materialism, to spiritual materialism, to a meaninglessness of the term “spirituality”
“I watched that preacher on TV and – doggone it – I’m not mistaking emotionalism for
spirituality…am I?”
Hatha yoga is just mindful stretching or an age-old way of body-tuning –
And calisthenics are good for you!
Self-Righteous, Transcender Meditation Communities
Fluffy New Age Descender Mugs
Hip-Hop Anything = The Ignorant Class Parading its Fashionless, No-Talent Ghetto
Stupidity in-yo’-face, Jackass
Contemplatives-in-Action – The Jesuitical Factor => Still Relevant? Do the Masons and
the Jesuits still “Run the World”?
Exploring new global strategies for improving both emancipatory and regulatory human
systems that can and must be developed to more equitably serve the needs of the
planet so as to avoid replays of past, empire-driven policies and actions.
Global Governance: how best to reconfigure state sovereignty (e.g., via disaggregated
Would-be success stories are apathetic, ambivalent – made into failures and dropouts
simply because they are organization-phobes and aren’t fast-talking talkers
Join the O.4B. (Order of the Bewildered, Befuddled, Betwixt and Between)
Hear ye, Hear Ye: The Useless and Worthless Club has merged with the Apathetic Club
The demise of the Authentic; the Real done got up and…it’s gone
What? Short-sighted money-lovers and hypocrites represent us?
If you listen objectively, commercials tell us how dumb we are – and the stuff they try to sell is utter crap, leaving us with the inescapable conclusion that we are nothing but willinglly programmed, crap-hounds, and yet
Why are we, in so many ways, still living in the 19 th Century?
Paradoxically (perhaps) I ask: "Do we lament the lost craft of the classicist, all the while clamoring for a shift in consciousness, thankful for cultural creatives?”
Hey, Joe, where you goin' with that cell phone in yore hand?
High fructose corn syrup came into being in 1980.
Today, all American soda pop is sweetened with it.
In fact, it's everywhere in the food now - bread, jam, etc.
Ah the days of real sugar in my strawberry Nehi sodie-pop!
Alas, real food has become a rare delicacy here...
Agribusiness/factory farm food processors get rich.
We get sick - and fat.
Pharmaceutical companies fund and twist scientific studies,
Then dictate health policy (or the lack thereof).
Media is overwhelmingly controlled
By a handful of corporations,
As is almost everything else.
On the oldies stations, I keep hoping (in vain) to hear
I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night by the Electric Prunes
But I only get The Doobie Brothers and Jimmy Buffet.
Republican government is a veneer
- no democracy -
Elections are just about money and favors owed.
Oil is King -
Economic hit men in all corners of the globe;
Militarism's run rampant,
Over 800 US bases in every corner of the globe
US Empire seems about to crash
- the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 -
But the beat goes on...
That's what I want to continue researching and teaching.
I'll title my course:
The Hissing of the Corporate Demon and the Plight of the Cultural Mutant.
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