Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cafeteria Critical Thinker?

Since about 2016 I've been following, who recently posted the above Call to Action list. That's the website of Douglas and Tyla Gabriel. In the past few years I transitioned to their social media site,, without ever "joining". 

Both are great internet spots for news. And along with news, for spiritual awareness and growth the Gabriels also publish their Rudolf Steiner neoanthroposophy posts (and books), which can be interesting and broadening.

Then there is their associate, Michael McKibben, and his contributions. For example:




The above list of fourteen remedial solutions to our country's woes is timely and noteworthy, now that the Trump Train is unleashed and barreling at top speed down the tracks with Elon Musk (Mask?) as the cowcatcher or "the tip of the spear."

This USAID scandal far exceeds the old Teapot-Dome scandal, formerly considered the worst scandal in U.S. history and which to the first imprisonment of a cabinet official. 

What's horrifying is that USAID represents only about 1% of the federal budget! 
And so, fellow Americans and any foreigners reading this post, brace yourselves for mass firings, and upcoming imprisonments and executions for treason. 

After O'biden's reign of governmental malfeasance and weaponization against We the Peeps, let us look ahead toward the future as we readjust rule under a tainted bureaucracy and transfer that rule to the sovereignty of people-power, which, lest we forget, requires that folks change their status from "citizens" (slaves) to "nationals" (sovereigns). 

Waste no more time and do so, while joining the Global Family Bank  Don't let the word "Global" fool you here. The American state national (ASN) movement has Assemblies in each state of the union and real Americans are bringing us back to the real "dollar" (American Federation Dollar) and our original constitutional republic.
NOTE:  We ASNs are NOT so-called "sovereign citizens". 
I am not a “Sovereign Citizen”[1] and I object and do not consent to any mischaracterization, misidentification, inference or insinuation that I avow any such blatant nonsensical oxymoron as a political status, and as might be demeaningly used by law enforcement, State’s Attorneys, courts, or others to refer to me. I live in peace and operate in accord with the Law of the Land, i.e., American Common Law, to which, as a Marylander, I am entitled by Article 2 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights.

[1]      International Public Notice: The Myth of the Sovereign Citizen - 

        International Public Notice: Nobody is a "Sovereign Citizen" -

And so, friends, change your status.  Become an ASN and then join our bank, a bank that treats you right, a bank that uses American Federation Dollars, doesn't steal from you or use phony Federal Reserve Notes. Instead, We the Peeps use lawful Constitutional money.

Go here and begin your journey: The American States Assembly

FINAL NOTE:  The Gabriels and Mike McKibben are NOT ASNs and are not impressed with the work of Anna Maria Rietzinger, aka Anna von Reitz--for reasons that they have never fully explained to my satisfaction. Still, I joyfully follow both and whatever I don't accept from the Gabriels, McKibben, or von Reitz, according to my own discernment, I don't accept and so be it. I guess I simply refuse to be "institutionalized" with regard to any one person or group, i.e., I pick and choose what suits me -- (See, To Be or Not to Be a Joiner) Frankly, if that makes me a "cafeteria critical thinker" in the view of others, I really don't give a hoot!

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