It was March. The drabness of
winter droned on. The sky stayed gray, the air cold, the grass a yellow-brown.
The extended weather report looked grim. His body ached for lack of muscle
movement, exercise, freedom. He longed for the embrace of a balmy
warmth. But that didn’t seem to be in the cards, not for a while at least.
The government mess also
droned on. The cure was at hand, always at hand. Saboteurs were everywhere,
groaning and whining and making us feel heavy with their fantasy drivel. He
longed for a lull in the snivel-bag lolly jargon, but that too would have to
A prayer, uttered in low
tones, went out; a bow to the unseen power that was the ever-present origin. A
body, too Earth-laden to feel the subtle energies, stayed in its ethereal
presence; yearning, hoping. Faith remained hitched to interiority. The
optimistic aura, imbued with a golden hue, arranged itself like a coif, secured by a
wimple. A plaintive mew ascended, descended, as a tincture of grace might do.
And the morning light had not yet manifested. This was the hour, the monk’s
hour, of less brainwave interference and chatter to impede the spirit. It was
the morning that re-calibrated the mind, complementing a restive sleep
recharge. In waves of devotion, alpha-delta-gamma-theta; curative frequencies
came to the rescue.
Harland had barely recovered from yesterday’s ennui. Yet here he
was, back at it again. The battle raged daily. The bottle sat down on the floor
by the corner of his desk, a snort to be had in case of snake bite. It didn’t
phase him in the least to think that the unseen war would be fought yet again.
His battleground was his private study, wherein he laid the snares and hooked
riders from their horses before they could joust. It was a game, but it was
serious too.
Harland mused, How mysterious are the
Middle Ages. They’re called the “Dark Ages.” And yet, he thought, there
was lots of good stuff happening then, wasn’t there? Harland made a note to
investigate further. Wouldn’t it just be
like the usual hijinks of the System to cover up the most fertile phase of our
Western past? Yes, I will have to
look into the so-called “Dark Ages”; the Roundtable of King Arthur and all
It was complete, for now; his early rumination. The trap was set to snare
the unwary forest gremlins and human soul-forms that wanted to know, who need
more info-wisdom. And he, perhaps the least worthy among them.
Harland looked at the time. The cycle of time came in micro-bursts and made
daily routine what it was. Still, the greater story lay in the macro-bigland
cycles of time, covered up but there none-the-less.
The poet-warrior’s duty is to
make everything known; to unwrap it all like a birthday or Christmas present—such thoughts scuttered
about. It was a gift and as gladly given
as received.
He scratched his head and gave it a rest. There would be more to say, more
to tell…and there was time, at least for now, to tease it all apart.
Preparing the Ground
The final freeze of winter
was upon the states as Harland’s mind reeled. He pulled down a special book
from his shelf: European Literature and
the Latin Middle Ages by Ernst Robert Curtius. This landmark tome was
originally published in German in 1948 and the Bollingen series first brought
out the English translation in 1953. In it, the author (from the back cover)
“examines the continuity of European literature from Homer to Goethe, with
particular emphasis on the Latin Middle Ages.” He would immerse himself in this
over the coming weeks. Hopefully, this might properly situate him for his
nosedive into the so-called Dark Ages.
In the meantime Harland’s
thoughts turned wistfully to the 20th Century. The darkness of those
years still casts a long shadow onto the present age. Of particular interest
are the years that witnessed the rise of Hitler and the machinations of the
Third Reich. This era, roughly 1933-1945, cannot be discussed without
triggering strong emotions built upon the foundation of a carefully crafted
“narrative of evil.”
Simultaneously, one cannot
conjure the “Hun” without the “Jap”; it becomes next to impossible for people
to disconnect the German from the Japanese front, to consider them in pure
isolation, without using arguments about the one to bolster conventional
narratives about the other. That is the nature of the beast about to be
Still, if people can bracket
their biases about Hitler, the so-called Nazis, and the conventional history of
World War II, then they might learn from what Harland wished to lay out before
them. In doing so, he would not be stating something very original. Yet the
sense of this, his own discordant-yet-plausible notions, was something that
needed to be said, and said in his own way. And though he knew, as always, he was
no “expert” in these matters, something told him that he perceived a truth
about the subject matter. This “truth” was only a cloud of suspicion, of clues.
But these clung to one another to present some vague-yet-palpable sense. He
would set it out as best he could, while knowing all along that people are not
really able to let go of their ingrained biases and confusion.
However, what follows will
not enhance his reputation; it will likely have the opposite effect. They and
he will be rejected, become ostracized, laughed at, ridiculed. Why?—because he
will present mostly a summary of what he believes to be the case without
bothering too much with details to buttress his conclusions. This is never
wise. Just the same, Harland feels it needs to be laid bare. And though he
starts with the afore-mentioned period, his primary concern is with its
aftermath: that is, with the schizoid nature of German “fascism” as it relates
to the projected ends of its evolutionary development. How might it have been
“engineered” in order to fulfill those ends? Why? Who benefitted and how?
It is doubtful that we uninitiated
can ever know the full story of what Harland is about to lay out. By
“uninitiated” he means those who were not then and are not now privy to and
participant in the inner workings of those involved, both overtly and
covertly, in that historical period.
There is always a back-story
to that which is made explicit for public consumption. And so the reach of the
“players” in this drama goes far back behind those who are known (and
known properly!) to historians. For this reason, “details” are not presented
and would do little, anyway, to aid the counter-narrative. Why?—because
details, like the author, can always be (and are) ridiculed and marginalized.
Think what you will, offers Harland, but I will not
be silenced!
He begins.
The historical drama he is
about to discuss is both simple and complex: simple, in that there is a basic
duality in play between good and evil; complex in that, as polar compliments,
there are also intertwining and hard-to-discern qualities, presumptions and
motivations that inhere among and between this duality of good and evil, and
that disguise themselves within each. If you subscribe to the “one side bad,
the other side good” notion, you might as well stop reading and go back to
sleep; accept what has been drilled into you and forget Harland and his
opinions altogether.
He is not promoting some
brand of ethical/moral relativism, not at all. Instead, this Harland
fellow suggests that to really apprehend his message likely requires a new
mutation of consciousness. And he hesitates to use the term integral consciousness because it is an
overused term that, as a result, has lost much of its currency, its
meaning. But a new consciousness is required that goes beyond the mental/rational (the “mental
deficient”) that sees things merely as opposites. Neither can one rely
solely on binary compliments, as applies to mythical consciousness, in order to comprehend what is about to be
discussed. Perhaps what he is straining to say here will become
clearer as he proceeds.
With this esoteric caveat in
mind, Harland now attempts to go at it and go at it he will.
Aligned Interests Set the Stage
The German people were never
conquered by Rome. There is a scene in the film Gladiator depicting the troops of Marcus Aurelius confronting a
ragtag German army. It is telling. Although these ancient Germans are shown as
being defeated here, they were never completely subdued as a People.
Any peoples outside the
influence of the Roman Empire were considered “barbarians.” And once the
barbarian hordes appeared at the gates in the early centuries of the Common
Era, Rome would be absorbed by them. (It is comparable to what is happening in
Western European nations today as a result of uncontrolled, illegal migration
by Muslim invaders who are somehow allowed entry into their unprotected
borders—an old trick and a not-so-subtle type of warfare.)
The German folk were a proud
and independent race. A thousand years later, the German princes were the ones
who stood up to the corruption and abuses of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
They offered asylum to Martin Luther. And so it can be said that they twice
stood up to Rome and refused to back down.
In the run-up to the 20th
Century, the Germanic peoples were champions in the world. Intelligent,
industrious, no-nonsense, disciplined, hard-working and still fiercely covetous
of their liberty, they represented a power with which to be reckoned. In
education, art, philosophy, industry, military prowess, Germany was next to
none. Efficiently organized and rationally ordered they were the epitome of
white, Protestant, Northern European civilization. Given their national success
and geographic location Germany consequently was a target for all those who
were both envious and fearful of their power.
Who were envious and
fearful of Germany at the dawn of the 20th Century? Before we address this question there is something
more essential to ask.
This jockeying around for
political and economic dominance must be examined. What was driving the
unstoppable geo-political urge to power at this time? In a sense, by
trying to answer this question we shall find ourselves bordering on the realm
of science fiction.
Science, technology, industry
were being unleashed at the turn of the century just as
corporate multinational consciousness was ascendant; material wealth,
governmental tinkering, business and money, banking and finance—all of these
forces were roiling into a confluence at the very time
that both jurisprudence and religious institutions were falling
apart at the seams.
Throughout this materialist
jumble of interests, an insidious evil lurked; Luciferian influence infiltrated
all and everything, from the workings of organizations to the inner drives of
individual minds and our collective unconscious. There was an untethering
of the moral/ethical from the practical/logical; a zealous and certain populace
came to identify with its own national, linguistic and cultural roots. To
this was joined a common acceptance of a consensual reality
that deemed work, career, money, position, and shared social values as
standard, normal, and systematized. One might view this as
a "sloughing off" of spiritual values from the everyday,
commonplace lives of European peoples.
Behind this “modernization of
the human mind” was a print and broadcast media that was hugely instrumental in
organizing things via its advertising, public relations, image-making, and
directed propagandizing. The written word and visual arts were now entering
their heyday, weaponized and applied as needed, when needed. (This stunning,
untethered and seemingly autonomous “techno-crazing” would continue to
intensify, to assault and to overtake the fullness of our human measure into
the next millennium.)
The 20th Century tumult can
really be traced to the overturning of the ancien
régime (in the very broadest sense of the term), viz., the regime-changing
revolutions around 1848 that effectively upended all of the monarchies of
Europe. The American War of Northern Aggression in the 1860s and the
Bolshevik derailment of Russia in 1917 were also cornerstones laid into
the formative backdrop.
But at the beginning of the
20th Century our analysis focuses on what the Great Powers
were all vying for: control.
The People want safety,
comfort and security; leaders in their respective governments played on this
common, materialistic human drive of the citizenry. After all, are not the
lowest rungs on Maslow’s hierarchy a prerequisite to the fostering of human
life, liberty and happiness? Was it not the state’s duty to preserve the
Peoples’ ability to survive, nurture and maintain families whose individuals
can then strive for the higher aspirations toward the top of this very same
hierarchy of needs: self-esteem, self-realization? At least the state's
ostensible protection of this possibility for their constituents was a good
cover for it to exercise its Machiavellian machinations. And the state, forever
seduced by its own power, easily falls prey to fortifying and preserving its
falsely perceived pre-eminence over its own People.
To answer the questions posed
above, this furthering of each country’s national interest (as defined by its
respective power brokers) was driving the unstoppable geo-political urge to
power; and those who were envious and fearful of Germany at the dawn of the 20th
Century were the Bolsheviks and soon-to-be-Soviets, the French, the English,
Poland and Czechoslovakia; the Rothschild banking dynasty within these nations;
the Freemason-Illuminati contingent and other secret societies also entrenched
within; the corrupted Church of Rome and certain depraved royal bloodlines were also
very connected up within all of the above.
We must mention also the Zionist
drive that was gathering momentum for a homeland, eyeing Palestine (ancient
Judea and surrounding tribes) which would be called “Israel.” America was seen
as a plum prize whose wealth, resources, and growing might could be manipulated
to the advantage of those nations lining up against Germany. Switzerland, while
officially neutral, was supportive of Germany, as were Spain, Italy and Turkey.
These were the big players back then and are all that really matter, at least
for Harland's discourse herein.
In other
words, the institutionalized "gang warfare" that was
soon to erupt had an obvious outer aspect (exoteric duality) and an
inner, hidden aspect (esoteric polarity); the nations aligned either as
"Axis" or "Ally," but within each "side" and
under the radar were those covert interests whose loyalty was to neither
side but only to themselves as self-profiting and self-perpetuating, secret
The Middle East was becoming
important around this time as well. As soon as steam power was replaced by
diesel and gasoline-powered engines and the automobile came into
existence, the race was on! The big gang-bangs-to-come would be
called World Wars I and II. (And they would be followed by lots of lower level
“military actions,” but we must not get ahead of ourselves.)
Suffice it to say that as the
early 20th Century got underway, powerful forces were aligned
against Germany. It was the new kid on the global block and
it had a mind all its own. This, itself, was a threat to the order
that had been organizing since the forced dissolution of ruling European
monarchs. The other foe of this new order was real Christianity: devotion to the cross and to the gospel of
Jesus. As Harland saw it, this new order was nothing short of a Luciferian
materialist cabal that was pushing war against Germany, and Zionist-funded
Communists (in various guises) would be the tip of the spear meant to
obliterate the old order, the ancien régime—and with it, any and all
sense of traditional lifeways.
Hint: It has been asserted,
tellingly, that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt were all 32-degree Freemasons.
If true, these leaders were all Zio-lackies, servitors to the Communist cause
of world control and domination. Whatever is said about Hitler and the Third
Reich, it is in this sense that it can be seen as the countervailing force to
this newly-borne world order. As such, Germany and its
People can be viewed as a Christian nation, perhaps in search of its
occult pagan roots, but none-the-less not run by Freemasons and Communist-sympathizers.
In retrospect the whole
international intrigue of the 20th Century is like a science fiction
drama in which fantastic role playing transcended and suppressed true motives
and disguised the real humanity on both "sides" to the conflict. The
hollow bluster about "freedom" from the Allies would echo
throughout WWII; and any and all accomplishments of the Third Reich,
specifically between 1933-1938, were buried by the Allies' narrative of
the "brutal and evil Hun."
In any case, and in very general
terms, the stage was now set for the atrocities and dissimulation that were
about to begin—profitable wars that would tear down the past, literally and
figuratively, in order to make way for a tasteless modernity, a
leftist-ideology-gone-wild, and a furthering of the Luciferian agenda.
Demonize, Then Provoke
Myths and stories about Adolf
Hitler abound: his origins, his bloodline, his WWI war record; his alleged
racial and religious biases, occult interests, romantic liaisons; his alleged
criminal acts, health quirks, drug use, mental fatigue, and eventual
incapacitation; and his purported escape from Berlin—all of this and
more can be found in the public domain. The man, his life and his deeds are the
objects of endless fascination, of speculation, pro and con, whether true or
Hitler was no angel. As a
head of state he acted the role of secular overseer whose temptations to abuse
his power were sometimes his own failings, as in when he ordered the
assassination of a rival, Gregor Strasser. At other times there were abuses
committed by others who thought it their province to divine the Führer’s
intentions and desires, as in the attacks upon and murders of civilians during
wartime. As a secular leader, Hitler should be judged against those secular
standards as exemplified by the deeds of other national leaders of his time,
viz., Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt and Eisenhower.
Hitler was certainly
unorthodox. As such, he was not considered to be a “member of the club,” the
club being those who are groomed and installed into their positions based upon
“establishment norms.” Even those in his own political party may very well have
doubted his capacity to be an appropriate leader. (Author Joseph Farrell
presents evidence to suggest that Rudolf Hess’s solo flight into Britain was a
mission to both conclude a treaty with the peace faction outside the ambit of
the Churchill government and, as a
condition thereof, was part of a larger coup to remove Hitler from
Despite being cut from a
different cloth, Hitler received support from the likes of Henry Ford, Herbert
Walker Bush, and Wall Street speculators. Antony C. Sutton has done an admirable
job of proving this in his books (just as he proved who the financiers were behind
the Bolshevik revolution).
Even without any such
evidence, common sense informs one that any discerning person in the 1920s and
‘30s who found Communism offensive would naturally be drawn toward supporting
any enemy of Communism, and Hitler’s government was most definitely
anti-Communist. (By the way, the term “Nazi” was a moniker imposed by critics
of National Socialist Germany and was meant as a slur. The philological root of
the term is believed to be of ancient provenance. But as far as we
know, Germans of the Third Reich did not refer to themselves as “Nazis.”)
During his early tenure
(1933-1938) Hitler reinvigorated the German People. He brought them from the
dung heap of a calculated moral debauchery and the ashes of WWI to a new and
vibrant prosperity. The People loved him for that; they were given back their
health and dignity, and were infused with pride in themselves as a People and a
nation. These were the golden years of Hitler’s rule.
He called it “National
Socialism.” This term has been the focus of debate ever since: was the
“socialism” bit simply a ruse to draw in those masses who were more on the left
at the time? Or was it an overt bow to an unholy alliance and fusion of the
state and corporate business that defined for the ages exactly what “right
wing fascism” meant? Here we are presented with an “either/or,” a dualist
dichotomy and asked to make a choice. Could the truth be somewhere in between?
Or something else altogether? By whatever measure, was it a just
administration? If so or if not—compared to what?
In retrospect, we know that
the fascist definition underlined above fits that of Communism, whose adherents
were and are today amoral fascists in their strategies and tactics. Was
branding National Socialism “right wing fascism” simply the typical Communist
ploy of accusing their enemies of the very same despotism of which they
themselves are guilty? Harland thinks so. General Patton thought we were
fighting the wrong enemy and should have been fighting the Soviets. (After he
said this his neck was soon broken in an odd motor vehicle accident and he was
killed. Hmmm)
Powerful nation-states make
determinations regarding other nation-states. How this is done, via which back channels, is a study in
and of itself. But once they decide another state presents an unacceptable risk
to them, a highly organized campaign is begun to discredit and demonize that
state’s leader and/or to demoralize its people. We see this all the
time. When conceiving of any war or even a coup, this is considered
necessary in order to garner the support of citizenry. (Note: This tactic is
used by enemies today, both foreign and
domestic.) Once the citizenry is sufficiently riled up, the process can then
move on to the next phase.
Let us now consider the
nature of provocation.
Have you ever taunted or
cornered an animal? It will lash out. So will a person, unless he or she “turns
the other cheek.” A provocation is an attack meant to induce the same or a
similar response from whomever (or whatever) is being attacked.
There is a natural tendency
to defend oneself or others when an attack upon one or the other occurs. It can
be termed the law of retribution, a part of natural law. Governments have established diplomatic corps whose
purpose is to use diplomatic means—dialogue and negotiation—to defuse attacks,
so as to eliminate or at least minimize a resort to violence as the
response between and among provoked nations. Such diplomacy is a formalization
of natural law and has been codified into international norms,
international law.
Provocations can be executed
directly by means of the overt action of a state. Provocations can also be
executed indirectly, by either a proxy (as is being done in Syria right now) or
by the covert means of its own (rogue) intelligence agency (as, notes
Harland, was done in the Parkland, Florida school shooting incident and in
the Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas).
After six or so years of
peaceful co-existence, was Hitler’s Germany provoked into WWII? You be the judge.
The severely oppressive terms of the Treaty of Versailles that were imposed on
Germany were themselves a provocation. And there certainly were vicious attacks
and chronic persecutions of Germans living within pockets of Poland and
Czechoslovakia in the re-drawn map produced by the WWI victors. Provocations?
You be the judge.
On the subject of
international treaties—they are on the same footing as a nation’s constitution
in that treaties, too, are the supreme law of the land. In republics they must
be ratified by the representatives of the People. In America treaties require a
two-thirds supermajority vote of the United States Senate in order to be lawful
and enforceable. This underscores their tremendous legal power. In a
dictatorship, treaties are simply executed at will by a tyrant, who can break
them just as easily. Treaties, as with contracts generally, can always be
broken as long as you are willing to pay the price for doing so.
Getting back to the art of
provocation: Once a target is successfully provoked and reacts as expected, is
the initiator justified in furthering its lethal action? If so, does war
thus become “justified,” i.e., turn it into a “just" or
"good war”?
We must, I suppose, consult
the “Law of War.” This is found in a series of treaties called “conventions,”
viz., the Geneva and Hague Conventions. But will the law divulge the facts and
circumstances, the context of a provocation? No it will not; instead, it
may be easily used as a weapon to justify wrongdoing or black operations,
which, conveniently, are almost never thoroughly and rigorously
The next question to pose is
whether belligerents who engage in war begin to lose their humanity, their
moral compass—as individuals (leaders and soldiers), as members of battle
groups (corps, companies, battalions, brigades), and as nations
generally. We intuitively know the answer, but fleshing out why
it's so and how it happens is another matter entirely.
War Casualties
War is hell. Most legal
niceties are eclipsed by a wartime mentality. Whichever side you are on,
each side commits war crimes; in war, each side will do whatever it wants to do
if it thinks it can get away with it. War is a suspension of morality, ethics,
good will toward men. It is a suspension of our humanity. Hell. (And as
President Lincoln and General Andrew Jackson proved, the passions released by
war can suspend rights that are guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.)
Despite official policy from
the highest echelons of command, the military in combat does whatever it needs
to do in order to win battles and to control the war effort. (Yet there are
degrees of inhumanity engaged in by militarists, as will be further addressed
below.) And there are some unlucky few in the military who are prosecuted to
maintain the fiction of following the laws of war. It is primarily a
As with all war, in the
frantic, crazed milieu of World War II all emotions were let out of the bag. It
is supremely difficult to control fear and hate once it has been whipped up and
unleashed. And when destruction and killing can be accomplished without
hand-to-hand combat—from the air, via tank, artillery piece, or from the barrel
of a gun, it becomes just a function of another day on the job, following
There was no so-called
“Holocaust” of the Jews, as has been broadcast far and wide since the end of
WWII. A total of perhaps 40,000 Jews died during the war, mostly in
Eastern European labor camps. Many died of typhoid but a good many from
deliberate killing. Still, there were no “ovens” or “gas chambers”; there was
no organized “Final Solution.” All of this was made-up in order to victimize
Jews and to instill shame and guilt in Germans and upon the rest of the world.
All of these so-called “Holocaust memorials” are monumental lies based upon
exaggeration and bluster, made possible by tons of money being poured into one,
huge Judaic public relations effort.
Even before all of the
bloodletting began, before war was declared between the main belligerents,
“Judea” had already declared war on Germany. In other words the Jews had
already declared themselves to be “enemy combatants.” As a result they would
reap what they had sown. Their own law of retribution came back to bite them.
And what was the reaction? Jews used their media influence worldwide to cry
foul and claim victimhood. At the same time Zionist extremist plotters would
delight in the expected “persecution by Nazis” knowing full well that this
“sacrifice” would induce the necessary quantum of guilt to further their scheme
for the founding of the planned nation-state of Israel.
The killing of Jews proceeded
here and there as deemed (unlawfully) "necessary" for the war effort by local commanders. So-called
“concentration camps” were slave labor camps. Those unfortunate Jews who ended
up there were used as laborers. If they became useless as laborers they might
be exterminated and in many cases they were. This was illegal and horrific but
is not necessarily unusual in time of war.
Again, perhaps 40,000 Jews died
from disease or murder, not six million; even the Holohoax has back-tracked on
that ridiculously high number of “victims.” But of course by now the so-called
“Holocaust” has become a religion for the Jews and if one refuses to worship at
their false altar such heretics are accused of a hate crime, anti-Semitism, and
might as well suffer the torments of being pariahs for the rest of their lives,
if they are not actually thrown into prison. What a lovely mess it has all
become, all for the love of victimhood.
The overwhelming proportion
of Jews today are not the imagined Torah-abiding religionists. As far as I know
Talmudism is what is preached in all synagogues these days. So today’s Jews are
Talmudic-conditioned; Talmudism is Pharisaic Judaism based upon rabbinic
“wisdom” coming down from even as far back as Babylon. Most of these were
rabidly Christian-hating rabbis: Judaism’s
Strange Gods.
Generally speaking, they did
not then and do not today worship that same God of Moses. And the Talmud cannot
be cleansed of its hate against non-Jews, especially that hate directed at the
Christians, the “goyim,” and their beloved Jesus, Son of God. Talmudic
Judaism teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary is a whore and that Jesus is in
hell, doomed to be boiled in excrement for eternity. What sort of “religion”
preaches such things?—anti-Semitic or true? You be the judge. (And this is only
the sacrilegious tip of what lies beneath the waterline of the Talmudic
If there was retribution
against Jews it was because Jewish bankers and businessmen financially
vanquished Germany in the early 20th Century. As they do in any
nation, Jews exploit and deplete resources for their own avarice and feel no
remorse toward what they do to non-Jews. Thanks to Bolshevik Jews, Weimar
Berlin became the totally debauched capital of sexploitation. (And yes, these
same extremists have a sordid history as Satanists who perform the murderous
“blood libel rite” sacrifice upon kidnapped, Christian children.) And this
near-sighted one-sidedness, blinds them from any sort of allegiance to society
as a whole.
And so when there is a
reaction against them for their predatory and lust-promoting behaviors Jews
should not be surprised. Yet they are studied in putting on pretensions of shock
and outrage. (And they publicly parade their multi-cultural charity and arts
foundations in an effort to put a happy face onto more covert, inner workings.)
The Third Reich had had
enough of Jews and debased secret societies assaulting the moral fiber of their
nation. And when the occasion arose to call them out, as it did under Hitler,
they were called to account for their misdeeds against the People. The official
policy was not a “pogrom” against them as such, but at the street level there
was an unstoppable rage, anger and resentment toward their filthy ways. Germans
in particular abhor parasitical entities; they are a clean People. Such
unclean, parasitical elements included all who despoiled and sponged off of
society, including the Roma or Gypsies, and Freemason/Illuminati-type secret
societies. The actions of extremist supremacist Jews were antithetical to
Christian-held, love-thy-neighbor values, which were still held in high regard
in the early 20th Century by the German People.
Arguably, those with a more
engrained Christian ethos are less likely to be the monsters in modern warfare.
Harland maintains that, at least in World War II, the Christian
sensibilities of the Germans won out when it came to adhering more closely to
the laws of war; the brutal, Freemasonic sensibilities of Allied leaders stood
out in stark contrast. And the militaries on each side took their orders (and cues)
from those at the top of the chain of command. As such, World War II might be
viewed as a combat between good (Christians) and evil (Luciferian/Kabbalist
Gosh darn it, laments Harland, why didn’t someone tell our GIs
about that?
In war, swift justice is
meted out and that’s what was done by the Third Reich. Of course it is never
pretty and easily gets out of control. And the worst “human rights abuses” were
used to great propaganda effect by the “Allies.” Not to excuse such abuses but
by way of explanation, this Allied strategy just goes to prove the power of
media to sway and control public opinion.
Note that Western media did
not report then, and do not report now, that numerous
Jews were ensconced in the Third Reich's
officer corps; neither do they report the multi-cultural, multi-racial
troops accepted into German military service at that time. This, of course,
goes against the "Aryan" narrative and thus cannot be made public.
But go research it for yourself.
Neither has the Western media
ever reported how Churchill was a war criminal. Not only was he responsible for
fire-bombing and murdering hundreds of thousands of German civilians, earlier
in his “career” he also advocated the gassing of civilians and machine-gunning
them from the air. Look up his record as secretary of state in the 1920s in
Mesopotamia, Afghanistan, Ireland, Kenya and India. As late as 1943,
Churchill’s policies were instrumental in allowing six million Bengalis to
starve to death. Anyone who rose up against the ambitions of the British Empire
was fair game. How fittingly ironic then that Churchill was awarded with a Nobel Prize (for “literature,” viz.,
propaganda) And now, an actor (Gary Oldman) has been awarded an Oscar for his
portrayal of him in the film Darkest Hour.
Mainstream media is of course falling all over themselves with glee as
they continue to promote the phony Churchill legacy.
Mater Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty,
purportedly said: “Give me control of a nation’s
money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” Substitute “media and
publishing” for “nation’s money supply” and there is a huge double whammy
against the People—or today, substitute "educational system"
or “science and medicine”—even “government.” The Jewish extremist
supremacists have, as they ever have done, parlayed themselves into control. (As such, they should and would
be added to those big nation-state players in WWII had they not instead
been a dispersed and decentralized lot.) Today, thanks to their Church of
the Holocaust, they now exercise control in every major area of human endeavor,
either directly or via “non-Jew” Luciferian servitors.
The Germany of the ‘30s and early ‘40s sought to cut out the cancer from
their society by closing the Jew's playhouse down. But the Jews, via their
manipulation of the Anglo-American governments and militaries came back 1000
times stronger. These nations firebombed not just Dresden but many, many
more German cities, killing at least hundreds of thousands of innocent
(Christian) civilians. Talk about a holocaust! Guilt for this heinous war crime
can primarily be burned into the blackened soul of Winston Churchill. (And in
the Soviet Union, under the Jewish Bolshevik extremist supremacists, millions
of Christians and their priests perished, all butchered.) This was Franklin
Delano Roosevelt's kindly "Uncle Joe," as he so deceptively referred
to Josef Stalin.
Just after the war Eisenhower allowed perhaps a million German prisoners of
war die of neglect, starvation and disease. It was known as Project Bluebird.
They fared no better than those unlucky German soldiers captured by Stalin.
This is the real story of
Hitler’s Third Reich and the clever, two-faced deceits of the Allies.
Sorry if Harland’s analysis here seems shockingly bitter to swallow, cold or
unfeeling. But when the People are fed up and the military takes control of the
situation, all manner of distasteful but necessary things begin to happen.
Still, these must be weighed in the balance of events and circumstance in order
to arrive at the truth—and real facts yield truth.
Seek and ye shall find! exhorts Harland.
So stop feeling guilt for
what happened to less culpable Jews who had the crummy luck to get the
boot by the Third Reich, due to the outlandish conduct of their extremist
supremacist brethren. After all, Jewish leaders had already positioned the
Jews as enemies of the German state.
Now Germany is a gelded and dispirited nation, worse off even than it was
before WWII. Who feels the pain and anguish of the long-suffering German
People? Today’s battlefield is the information flow on the Internet. So hold
on—we have yet to hear the half of it...
Thinking, Choosing
Winter kept threatening
another encore while making curtain calls. But there was no applause; no cheers
were heard from the audience. All were ready to head for the exits, to step
into warmth and sunshine. And yet the languid cold hung on in the air. Spring
would come, but when?
Those charged with overseeing
the reformation of the debilitated state were shuffled around by the chief
executive. It was a strategic move that allowed one cabinet head to be
exchanged for an expelled other so that only one senate confirmation hearing
would be required instead of two. The head clown of civilian intelligence moved
over to take the secretary of state’s position, while another clown, this one a
female, was moved up. She would undergo the senate’s scrutiny. If there was
torture in her past she may have a rough ride.
Other heads were expected to
roll before the stage could be set. Military tribunals were being readied. The
gradual education of the populace proceeded, in spite of the distinct lack of
reliable information being provided by a compromised press. In fact, the utter
nonsense coming from that quarter was the disinformation that caused the
disconnect in understanding. The People needed to know the extent of their
betrayal. And though the Communists, the true dissimulators, were certainly
practiced in their dark arts, they were being methodically exposed by a new
head of state who instilled meaning in his every gesture. His resiliency was
being counted on by anonymous patriots across the land.
We must succeed! whispered Harland to himself.
This true leader had risen up
to cleanse the ship of state. Harland could see parallels to Weimar Germany in
his own nation. America had become debauched—so much so that its people were
going stark raving mad. Their language had gotten debased; the discourse had
sunk to the lowest levels ever encountered in his or any American’s lifetime.
It made a man wonder. The ad hominem
attacks, the cursing and swearing, the closed-down ideological mindset of the
hard left—it was a nightmare from which we all wished we might awaken. Still,
it wouldn’t end, not until quite a few were rounded up and carted off.
Only the threat of
incarceration and the death penalty might silence the mob. Civil unrest lay
dead ahead. In the meantime, Harland’s thoughts reassessed things as the
recapitulation of history played itself out in his mind. The obvious parallels
of Fearless Leader to Adolfus Hitlerias were disturbing to most. That was due
to the deeply entrenched conditioning of all generations that still boomed and
echoed loudly from the 20th Century into our own 21st:
Hitler=Nazi=Right Wing Fascism=Evil Incarnate=Brutish
Anti-Semite=>Satan/ the Devil<=Embrace its opposite=Left Wing
Socialism=Communism= Administrative Nanny State=A Disarmed Populace=More
Regulations=Deep State Triumph of NWO!
Non merci!
cried Harland, non merci!
Given the dead weight of the
“Hitler/Nazi” demonization, it was baggage too heavy for anyone to lift—or was
it? Hitler’s Third Reich was just another state that had stood up to evil, to
forces that wanted to destroy a People, a nation, an ordered society and
culture that had been a jewel in the crown of Western civilization.
Germany had produced music,
art, industry. It had a proud and enviable history. And it had stood up to the
Bolshevik onslaught, the Communist incursion, the Judaic scourge, a savage
pounding by the Anglo-American-Allied military industrial complex—it had
endured through all of the murderous battering and bruising of its national
psyche, the brutalizing and rape of its women, the brain drain of its best and
brightest, and the wimpification of its beaten populace.
As such, Germany was a
beacon, an example to be studied. It was not some freakish brute unleashed upon
the world to devour it whole, as propagandists made it out to be. It was not
filled with demonic white men who were titillated by torture and killing and
hatred. It did its best to defend itself against a calculated and organized
effort to stamp it out from the family of nations. And it made a noble stand
against all odds and survived...barely.
Those same forces that had
crushed it in the public relations realm and in the real world of terror
bombing and fire, persisted after 1945. They went on to raise up a demon,
calling it the European Union, and made Germany the financial heart of it; in
2005 the EU installed Angela Merkel (who appears to be related by blood to the
former Führer) as chancellor, just after the first German pope took
office on Hitler's birthday, April 20. This sort of in-your-face,
hidden-in-plain-sight “poetic justice” is the calling card of those
demonic forces, spelled out in their own occult twilight language; their
Luciferian performance at the opening of the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland, the longest and deepest in the world, and the CERN abomination—these are the reformulations,
re-enactments, if you will, of the Trinity atomic bomb detonation, assisted by
the Jet Propulsion Lab of Crowleyite Satanist John Whiteside “Jack”
Parsons…even Great Britain proved its collusion by putting on its 2012 London
Illuminati Olympics mega-spectacle…
But Harland was wandering off
on tangential forays. He returns now to his discourse on the afterglow of the
Third Reich.
What is the legacy of
Hitler’s National Socialist Germany? Harland’s take on this subject had not
quite “jelled.” But he had enough banging around in his head to throw out
some inklings—and who isn’t fond of an inkling?
As mentioned previously, the
term “Nazi” was a slur upon the German state and it stuck. No one can talk
about National Socialist Germany, the Germany between 1933 and 1945, without
using the term “Nazi” Germany. “Nazi” has come to mean “brute fascist anti-Semite.”
Upon hearing the word “Nazi,” one’s mind is triggered and transformed
immediately. And of course the Orwellian word-masters depend upon this
Pavlovian-type response. But we must dig deeper.
The American propaganda
machine went into overtime to drill the term “Nazi” into the psyches of people
worldwide. By all means possible, “Nazi” had to be identified with “evil.” The
primary means of doing so was to invent gas chambers and ovens that killed six
million Jews (and in particular, innocent Jewish women and children, of
course). Everyone knows the playbook by now—The Diary of Anne Frank transmuted into Schindler’s List. But it’s a playbook that has become ever more
frayed, and more and more exposed, since the wide dissemination of facts
started becoming available on the Internet. Sleuth-hounds debunked the sloppy
work of propagandists of “concentration camps” and the so-called “Holocaust,”
so that today, any reasonable researcher can deduce the fraud that was
perpetuated in the name of sanctifying Jews. By this ruse they claim
eternal victimhood, deserving of never-ending reparations from shamed and
guilty parties: all of the so-called
“goyim” must bear responsibility—come one and all and worship at the altar
of “Holocaustinity.”
Non merci!
cries Harland yet again.
And so, at the outset, there
are two versions of so-called “Nazis.” There is the National Socialist version:
the organized, efficient group of government reformers who assisted in
reclaiming the honor and dignity of its People by providing
needed measures and resources to recover from the outside depredations of
sinister forces. Their intention was to get reconstituted after their
“dismemberment” at the hands of those forces and to stabilize their nation,
under traditional values of God and family.
Then there is
(what Harland calls) the “Hollywood version Nazis.” These are the “Nazis”
we were taught to hate and despise: monstrous and tyrannical, black-booted
killers who reveled in organized torture and extermination, and were essentially
devils incarnate who aggressively attacked all of the countries around them as
they lusted after world domination. Beware: these “Nazis” might resurrect
themselves at any time. So be ready to call them out and to beat them down
mercilessly should they try!
Dualistic thinking demands
that we choose sides; that we choose either that “Nazis” were actually good or were totally bad. By this infantile approach one
would fall directly into the arms of the propagandist dissimulators of truth,
i.e., if one showed any inclination against the definition found in their own playbook. (This Hollywood
Nazi characterization has, of course, been made manifest throughout the world
by their Bernaysian mind control methods so that the vast majority who
accept such "conventional wisdom" would be called upon and
arrayed against any "apostates.")
Once again the question
is asked: Could the truth be somewhere “in-between”?—or something quite
altogether different than we imagine?
Harland intends to pick this
apart—and he will! The reason for doing so is for the purpose of using the
analysis to determine how the socio-political world “developed,” er, devolved, in the aftermath of WWII. Hang
onto your Jughead hats. It will be a bumpy ride, though it promises to be a
fascinating tour of the abyss into which humanity has fallen and can’t get up.
Hold on, it’s coming.
World War II ended after the
Allied forces converged upon Berlin in the Spring of 1945. Shortly afterwards
FDR, Churchill and Stalin met in Potsdam to determine Germany’s fate. Germany
was carved up as if it were a turkey served up on platters to the victors.
The common German People who
were still standing after WWII would be sanitized of their “Nazi” past and
their minds conditioned to serve their new masters. They were essentially
enslaved, similar to what the Treaty of Versailles had done to them a few
decades before (but now, instead of deprivation they would be stuffed to excess
with both Communist fascism and secular materialism).
What became of the “Nazi”
Party, the SS, the Gestapo, and their vast and intricate intelligence network?
What became of the advanced scientists, the physicists, the engineers? These
constituted the great prize of WWII. The world came to understand that, just as
with their nation, most of these educated and accomplished German elite were
divvied up too, mostly between the Americans and the Soviets.
Would the surviving Germans of the Third Reich come to
embrace their “Hollywood Nazi” characterization? That is, had an
"indwelling projection/ acceptance process” already begun to work upon
them during 1933-1945? Harland
believes this is the key question if one is to start picking apart the issue in
order to determine who today’s Nazis truly are. He leaves the issue of psyches
to psychologists, and only makes some observations and asks some questions.
In retrospect, we know that
by 1945 German know-how was on the verge of nuclear research, time travel, and
alternative energy that allowed for the construction, e.g., of UFOs. Big stuff.
Since the 20th Century there has always been talk of governments
back-engineering ET technology or perhaps working side-by-side with ETs. Who
can know anything for sure?—certainly not the uninitiated. Still, there have been leakers and whistleblowers,
death bed confessions, and the like, concerning a secret space program and
great advances that can only be imagined by the common man and woman.
Harland took a deep breath,
then exhaled. He looked out the window into the darkness before sun-up. We can’t see the stars as we could before
all the light pollution. And we can’t see the truth either for the same
reason—Lucifer’s “light.” Moderns scoff at the idea, uninitiated moderns
that is. They don’t know and don’t care about the Devil anymore; he’s just a
mythological creature with horns and a tail who holds a pitchfork and lives in
a fiery domain known as “hell,” another myth. Why, educated human beings let go
of that “Medieval belief system” long ago. Tut, tut. (But what about those
Medieval times, those Middle, so-called “Dark” Ages?)
According to Harland, here is
what happened: Some stayed and integrated into the new System, some stayed and
became agents working against the new System, and some left. First let us
examine those who left.
We have already mentioned
those elite scientists, et al., who were secreted away and indentured to the
USA and the USSR. These poor slobs must have done the best they could do either
to assist their new masters or to sabotage them. Undoubtedly, plenty has been
written about them. Go have a look.
Adolf Hitler’s purported
suicide was a ruse. South America (primarily Argentina) became the new home for
him and some other high echelon associates and assistants. There he lived to a
ripe old age. Dreams of a New Reich more or less vanished with the passing of
the Führer, I believe sometime in the 1960s. (Or did they?)
What became of the “Nazi gold
and other looted treasure”? It was warehoused mostly in Switzerland, wasn’t it?
Wherever it was stored, assets from the period of the Third Reich were
strategically injected into the financial system. Exactly when, where, how and
who was involved I have no idea. Harland only knows that “them that gots is
them that gets.” Surely fortunes were made during and after the war. And after
1945 a comradery remained among the old Third Reichers that certainly must have
been preserved and passed on to their progeny. (By the way, if that Luciferian
performance to celebrate the new tunnel in Switzerland is any indicator of the
Swiss who run things there today, then they are surely corrupt to the bone and
lost to that fiendish Adversary.)
What is the nature of these
“people of the German diaspora”? Were they to stick by their time-tested
traditions of God and family? Or would they become poisoned by hate from
home-sickness and a bitter rage against those who had seized and corrupted
their homeland yet again? Would they become seduced by their wealth and
(secret) privilege into a debauched and elitist mentality? And would they, as a
result, feed the New World Order with every sick and poison pill imaginable
(possibly in order to crash it)? Do they have a secret base in Antarctica and
are they really sharing a whole other "dimension in living" down
there among ETs? Again, there are rumors, but I have no idea. There are all
sorts of theories and speculations out there.
But those who left the
Fatherland had a big job to accomplish without the comfort, safety and security
of being on their native soil. Whatever they got up to and however they did what
they did, Harland thinks there were some good and some bad among them, as there
are among all groupings of people. But to continue…
What about those of more
privileged status who stayed behind? Again, Harland reckons that they and their
talents were recruited by private and public interests and incorporated
accordingly. Certainly some were recruited into the new CIA and KGB and into
other intelligence services run by the former Allies but staged in Germany or
thereabouts. Some intelligence experts reportedly became operatives for
Interpol, headquartered in France, and actually ran Interpol into the late
Suffice it to say that such
stay-behinds re-incorporated themselves back into German/European society,
mostly as businessmen and professional people. Their inner loyalties were
likely mixed, depending on how much of the “new, improved” consensual reality
and culture trance they either accepted or rejected.
But in our current world we
keep hearing about Nazis. Often they are associated with the traitorous Bush
family, which of course extends into the Clinton-Obama crime syndicate. And
what is the connection between these Nazis and the Templars? Are they one and
the same group or did they “meld”? If they are separate and distinct from one
another, what differentiates them? Can anyone know the answers, for sure, to
any of these questions? Harland thinks someone
knows how everything fits together (and it’s probably not Benjamin Fulford).
The bottom line here is that
if anyone ever got a bad rap it was those involved in the Third Reich.
They were branded with the term “Nazi.” That brand became their brand, and was
then co-opted to refer to any and all “fascists.” Moreover, it was used
again—as a psy-op—to convince Germans that they were all “Nazis.” Some accepted
the branding and were filled with self-hate and shame; some embraced the
Hollywood “Nazi” brand characteristics, to their detriment; but some, perhaps,
just played along with the NWO branding “script” while knowing in their hearts
that they were devoted to God and family in the same way that the Third Reich
actually was, warts and all.
These days we hear of a
“Khazarian Nazi cabal.” Are we to believe that some Judaics have embraced (what
we have been taught is) the very antithesis of Jewry? Research it all, if you
are able. Good luck.
The Communist fascists of
today are the real Hollywood Nazis—the would-be victors of WWII and their
neo-Marxist utopian NWO have become that which they supposedly hate and despise:
Nazis, the Hollywood variety.
Harland sighs. Maybe we are back where we started. And
maybe geo-politics and finance should be left to the devil-worshippers,
rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s.
Still, we must treat our
country as if it is “Tara,” the fabled plantation in Gone With the Wind. “Don’t sell the land! It’s the only thing that
lasts.” Terra, in Latin, in Caesar’s
tongue, means “land”=>soil, earth, ground, country. What Hollywood doesn’t
tell you by way of that film is that God, the immortal soul, is
the only thing that really lasts—and
one needs to have a decent and healthy place to raise and nurture a family so
that its souls are saved, both for the benefit of humanity and
for all eternity. How much more important this is than simply the notion
of the love of terra firma.
These are the lessons, and
this is the legacy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.