Friday, December 6, 2024

Lavandula Dentata


This purplish-blue flower is fragrant

Also known as “French lavender”


It grows best in mild climates,

In southwest Morocco, for example

It’s origin is Europe, its flower…

Bilabiate in verticillasters

Topped with petal-like bracts, 1½”


Its leaves…

Opposite one another, simple, 1-1½”

Linear oblong, obtuse, revolute;

Tomentose—its fruit…

Four glabrous nutlets.

Grows 1-3’ high in full sun,

In loose, well-drained soil, relatively

Free of pests, diseases; its saw-

Toothed leaves used in bathing.

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Jimi Hendrix Experience or How I Know


I'm not sure how much anyone is able to grok what's been transpiring in my life over the past year and a half. I'd say, as long as I feel that I am "learning, healing, and knowing" then that's a good thing. This whole post can also serve as an explanation of another's own opinion of my inability/incapacity to grok much of, say, medicine and science, which may be more his or her fields.  

Concerning the above sentiment I'd say processes of amelioration are often in the subjective eye of the beholder; viz., confined to particular and accepted givens, depending on how well one's understanding represents a true, accurate, and complete depiction regarding a set of circumstances (and one's capacity to truly grok them in toto).

For me, "knowing" takes the following, typical trajectory: getting wind of something (e.g., by hearing or by reading about it); personally experiencing the phenomenon; being injured, perplexed, or at least discombobulated by it; going through recovery from the experience; returning to a wholeness; and learning (the hard way) that "what I learned" was true, good and beautiful (in its own way) or NOT. This learning can then become integrated into my knowing as something I adopt or reject.

Maybe folks who know me have noted a certain superficiality to my character wherein I am too lazy to apply myself in order to flesh out the details of something or other. I usually slough this off by saying, "I'm a generalist, not a detail guy." It may be I just do not care because I consider the subject matter under consideration to be foreclosed by something else I have already deemed as either overwhelming it or resolving it; or, my abject non-interest could be because I have absolutely no interest in it and cannot rally any interest in it.

Some may say that such stances indicate a closed-mindedness, a failure to engage in critical thinking. My counter to that opinion is to determine whether the particular impasse is simply a failure of my curiosity, a limitation of my innate abilities to be able to properly consider and judge it, or a subjective conclusion as to irrelevancy and immateriality regarding its particular contextual significance. 

A shorter, simpler explanation of what's expressed in the last two paragraphs may also be that I have yet to experience it--either from apathy, difficulty of access, or being excluded from doing so -- and therefore I do not "know" it (as knowing is explained and defined in the third paragraph above). 

Hey that must be why I've always loved Jimi Hendrix and his Experience! Eat your heart out, Joe Rogan!

On the other hand, an even simpler explanation is that we can look at all of the above perambulations as limiting aspects of the false self, due to a ricocheting off all of the four legs of the false self*: intellect, ego, selfishness, and self-righteousness.

Concerning all that I have stated above,  I rest my case as to me, myself and I. NOTE: Cf. "attached humanist" v. "detached scientist", or vis-a-versa, while knowing, of course, that the world is not only this and only that but often (and often ideally) a balanced synergy of both.

* See, Idries Shah, The Commanding Self (1994).

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Conservatism, not Ideology

Mine is an ordered conservatism wherein my beliefs are prioritized as God, family, and country.

Though these terms are obviously intertwined, each of these has its specific lawful jurisdiction. Rights and duties naturally flow from our Creator God; as God's creatures we aspire to obey, adore and worship our God as we pro-create, provide, protect and nurture our families; and we then superimpose this freedom and liberty based in Faith and family upon a macro-model of political organization known as government in the form of a constitutional republic, easily disposable if it displays a routine practice of transgressing upon us, the people.

I would describe myself as a red pilled conservative or a free-thinking traditionalist. My studies and exploration of, for example, sufism, consciousness, and dimensions of reality beyond the physio-mental, have caused me to be leery of having a too strict of a dogmatic, letter-and-book approach to life in the world. 

My recent experience being at Cornerstone Church in Arnold, Maryland has helped me to see the world more through the prism of the Bible — the New and Old Testaments taken together as one: 

The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed;

    the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed.                                                                                 – Augustine

And so, from this deep Faith root comes family (micro) and country (macro). I believe in God's Revealed Law and in Natural Law; as for man's laws — as long as they do not conflict with the above law sources they hold a righteous weight. This is not ideology; this is avoiding ideology, viz., warily approaching the four legs of the false self: 1.) intellect 2.) ego 3.) selfishness, and 4.) self-righteousness.

And as for reading the alphabetic written word — my mind is less inclined to read philosophy and law, than it is in reading great literature to enjoy the fruits of both; the imagery and colorful stories that presume foundationally timeless (i.e., traditional) truths as the foundation for God, family and country -- on full display by depicting their virtue through both the strengths and the foibles of man. (Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, for example, or even Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, and, the greatest work of Divinely-inspired writing, The Holy Bible [in its least modified English forms, e.g., the Geneva and perhaps the King James versions.]) 

Ideology is for "men who will sacrifice their past and present and future to a set of abstract ideas" (Russell Kirk)— namely, communists and fascists. 

View and hear in your copious free time!:

Dismantling Our Local Corporate Governments, by Miki Klann

The woman star of this sovereign attack on the corporate county land pirates in Arizona is a firecracker. You can get a preview of the Notice she filed with her county “government” officials @ the 5-minute mark. Her own story commences @ the 18-minute mark.

And don’t miss this Roger Sayles interview.

God’s Trump Card, by Roger Sayles

P.S.  A shocker about nicotine: it’s a nutrient, not a drug — and it’s not habit-forming!

The Shocking Truth About Nicotine and Its Bizarre NWO Connection w/ Dr. Ardis



OR a ...

Bad boy! Go straight to my room


For a real time breaker go to the 30-minute mark here:

Friday, January 19, 2024

A War Unlike Others

Sugar = rat poison for humans.

1. I Quit Sugar For An Entire Year - How My Life Changed

Just like this guy, I'm giving up sugar.


Dr. Robert Lustig

2.   Sugar is Enemy No. 1  



3.   This happens if you stop eating sugar for 15 days

Seed Oils = rat poison for humans.

4.  Another health-wrecker: SEED OILS