Mine is an ordered
conservatism wherein my beliefs are prioritized as God, family, and country.
Though these terms are
obviously intertwined, each of these has its specific lawful
jurisdiction. Rights and duties naturally flow from our Creator God; as
God's creatures we aspire to obey, adore and worship our God as we pro-create,
provide, protect and nurture our families; and we then superimpose this freedom
and liberty based in Faith and family upon a macro-model of political
organization known as government in the form of a constitutional republic,
easily disposable if it displays a routine practice of transgressing upon us,
the people.
I would describe myself
as a red pilled conservative or a free-thinking traditionalist. My studies
and exploration of, for example, sufism, consciousness, and dimensions of
reality beyond the physio-mental, have caused me to be leery of having a too
strict of a dogmatic, letter-and-book approach to life in the world.
My recent experience being at Cornerstone Church
in Arnold, Maryland has helped me to see the world more through the prism of
the Bible — the New and Old Testaments taken together as one:
The New Testament is in
the Old Testament concealed;
the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. – Augustine
And so, from this deep Faith root comes family (micro) and country (macro). I believe in God's Revealed Law and in Natural Law; as for man's laws — as long as they do not conflict with the above law sources they hold a righteous weight. This is not ideology; this is avoiding ideology, viz., warily approaching the four legs of the false self: 1.) intellect 2.) ego 3.) selfishness, and 4.) self-righteousness.
And as for reading the alphabetic written word — my mind is less inclined to read philosophy and law, than it is in reading great literature to enjoy the fruits of both; the imagery and colorful stories that presume foundationally timeless (i.e., traditional) truths as the foundation for God, family and country -- on full display by depicting their virtue through both the strengths and the foibles of man. (Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, for example, or even Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, and, the greatest work of Divinely-inspired writing, The Holy Bible [in its least modified English forms, e.g., the Geneva and perhaps the King James versions.])
Ideology is for "men who will sacrifice their past and present and future to a set of abstract ideas" (Russell Kirk)— namely, communists and fascists.
View and hear in your copious
free time!:
Dismantling Our Local Corporate Governments, by Miki Klann
The woman star of this sovereign attack on the corporate county land pirates in Arizona is a firecracker. You can get a preview of the Notice she filed with her county “government” officials @ the 5-minute mark. Her own story commences @ the 18-minute mark.
And don’t miss this Roger Sayles interview.
God’s Trump Card, by Roger SaylesP.S. A shocker about nicotine: it’s a nutrient,
not a drug — and it’s not habit-forming!
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Bad boy! Go straight to my room |