Persistent Patience/ Patient
Of cogs and sand
Debts and frogs
Lobsters lick lollipops
In foul-smelling bogs
Pufferfish on a dish
Those all-puffed-up fish
Steam in a stream of
Swallowing memes
The 80% voted — they know!
(Though 20% just hack
Cough and wheeze)
While I watch and wretch
From my silver trapeze
Remember the Alamo!
Oh mug-wanker Joe
Go back to that basement
There’s plenty of crow
Eat and partake
Sniff panties and rake
Yes, take in the dough,
You hobbling old fake
But heed my blog
— Then go jump a hog
You’ll never do nuthin’
You double-cloned sod!
From the 2nd cousin ofBullwinkle the Moose
All wrapped, packed
and sent,